Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Shoulder Bursitis Symptoms

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Shoulder Bursitis Symptoms

Shoulder pain can flare up for numerous reasons, and it’s a very common problem. So, it’s no wonder people often try to ignore this issue, especially since they rely on this joint daily.

While some causes of shoulder pain are relatively harmless, others can cause permanent damage when ignored, including bursitis.

Fortunately, you can often treat bursitis symptoms without surgery and avoid long-term mobility issues.

Dr. Thomas F. Saylor is an experienced and gifted orthopedist and upper extremity surgeon at Orthopaedic Care Specialists in North Palm Beach, Florida. If you have shoulder pain, he recommends seeking treatment as early as possible, especially if you have bursitis. 

Understanding bursitis

There’s a reason shoulder pain is common — there are a lot of moving parts in this highly complex joint. Not only does it contain bones and muscles, but it also has ligaments, tendons, cartilage, nerves, blood vessels, and bursae.

The bursae act as cushions between your connective tissue and bones. In your shoulder, this means helping your tendons and bones glide smoothly against each other every time you lift or move your arms.

At least, they do until an issue arises.

Like other structures in your shoulder, the bursae can also sustain damage, a condition known as bursitis. When this occurs, fluid collects inside these cushions, leading to painful swelling in the area.

In most cases, shoulder bursitis develops because of repetitive stress or overuse. However, you can also have acute bursitis from an accident or injury and, in rare cases, a bacterial infection.

Why you shouldn’t ignore shoulder bursitis

Bursitis may seem like just an uncomfortable and annoying problem. However, having repeated flare-ups or chronic symptoms can actually damage delicate bursae structures.

Over time, this type of damage can impact your shoulder function and mobility.

Common signs of shoulder bursitis include:

If you experience these shoulder symptoms, Dr. Saylor recommends seeking treatment. Remember, the longer you try to ignore this problem, the higher your chances of permanent damage to the bursae.

Treating shoulder bursitis

The good news is that shoulder bursitis often responds to conservative treatments, especially early on.

Dr. Saylor uses a variety of approaches to reduce bursae inflammation and symptoms, such as:

For chronic cases that don’t respond to conservative treatments, Dr. Saylor could recommend minimally invasive surgery to remove damaged tissue.

Do you have shoulder pain? Contact Orthopaedic Care Specialists by calling 561-260-5993 to book a visit with Dr. Saylor today.

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